Young Lives India specialises in research, policy, evaluation and intervention
related to children, adolescents and youth.
Young Lives started off as a research study coordinated by the University of
Oxford. Following 12,000 children over 15 years in four developing countries –
Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam and this longitudinal mixed method study
on childhood poverty has gained global reputation for its rigour and impact.
In India, the longitudinal study has followed 3000 children since 2002 and has
collected data across various thematic areas such as nutrition, health,
education, household poverty, migration, transitions to labour market, life-skills
to generate policy related evidence.
Young Lives India has expanded the scope of its work beyond the longitudinal
study and established two additional centres i.e. the research to policy centre
and the monitoring, evaluation and evidence centre which work closely with
the Government of India, State government and commissions, UN agencies as
well as other multilateral and bilateral agencies.
Young Lives India themes are aligned to key Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) to reinforce its central argument that inclusive policies – of leaving ‘no
one behind’ – are key to creating healthier, more productive and just societies,
thereby breaking the inter-generational transmission of poverty. Young Lives
India is dedicated towards conducting high quality independent research that
not merely adds to research scholarship in the country but aims to influence
policy discourse.
Young Lives India is guided by an advisory board of leading Indian and
International academicians and practitioners with decades of field experience
to and the Young Lives India team comprises of economists, psychologists,
anthropologists, sociologists, lawyers, policy and communication experts as
well as education and public health professionals.