The Women Barristers Forum (WBF) is a section of the New South Wales Bar Association established to promote and support women at the New South Wales Bar.
The genesis of the WBF was a function held in March 2002 to promote camaraderie amongst women at the Bar and to forge links with solicitors, members of the Bar and the Judiciary. Over 200 members of the profession attended.
WBF was formally established in 2004 and became a section of the New South Wales Bar Association in 2007.
The Women Barristers Forum is a section of the New South Wales Bar Association created to promote and support Women at the New South Wales Bar.
The work of the Women Barristers Forum is to:
* Promote awareness, discussion and resolution of issues which particularly affect women barristers;
*Identify, highlight and eradicate discrimination against women in the law and in the legal system;
*Advance substantive, and not merely formal, equality for women at the Bar and in the legal profession generally;
*Provide a professional and social network for women barristers;
support and encourage women at the Bar; and
*Promote the interests and skills of women barristers; and
support diversity and flexibility at the Bar.
Throughout the year, WBF holds seminars, arranges networking functions and assists in the creation of policies and measures aimed at advancing women at the bar.
WBF also seeks to work closely with the Equal Opportunity Committee of the New South Wales Bar Association and the Women Lawyers Association of NSW.