Renan Coutinho
Chief Executive Officer at Feeling.
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Work Experience
Chief Executive Officer
Nov 2013 - Present · 11 years and 1 months
Feeling Eventos
Chief Operating Officer
Jan 2011 - Dec 2013 · 2 years and 11 months
Company Details
201-500 Employees
O Grupo Feeling, antes de tudo, é um grupo de empresas apaixonada pelo que faz, motivada pelos desafios e pela satisfação de transformá-los em soluções criativas e inovadoras. Essa é a marca registrada que a consagrou como empresa líder no mercado de shows e eventos corporativos, com um histórico de grandes produções, sempre presente nos maiores eventos nacionais e internacionais. A FEELING, empresa gestora dos negócios do grupo, tem a importante missão de centralizar e integrar as atividades de suas 3 unidades: FEELING EVENTOS, FEELING STRUCTURES e FEELING INTERNATIONAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENGLISH FEELING, above all, is a company passionate for what it does, motivated by the challenges and the satisfaction of turning them into creative and innovative business solutions. This trademark has set our selves as a leader in the live and corporate events market, with a portfolio history of many major productions both national and international. FEELING has what it takes to make your project turn into reality. FEELING is the managing company of a business group and has the important task to centralize and integrate the activities of its four units: FEELING EVENTOS, FEELING STRUCTURES, FEELING LOCADORA and FEELING INTERNATIONA
Year Founded
Social Media
HQ Location
Rua Diepe, 120 Santo Andre, São Paulo 09220-240, BR
Event DesignProduction and ManagementEvent TechnologyOverlay for Global EventsEspecial EventsSoluções Integradas para EventosExecução e Gestão de Projetos Especiaisand Eventos Especiais
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