Our vision is to make sustainable food production possible.
We support our customers in reducing their environmental footprint while improving food production, profitability and the well-being of the people and animals involved. We design, manufacture and supply integrated milking solutions with the needs of dairy farmers in mind. At all times. We serve customers in more than 100 countries globally. We exist for the customer, around the clock.
DeLaval has helped dairy farmers all over the world to stay profitable since the very first moment. Innovation is in our blood, and it has been in our blood since Gustaf de Laval patented the centrifugal cream separator back in 1878, over 135 years ago. DeLaval, alongside Tetra Pak and Sidel, is part of the Tetra Laval Group.
For more information visit https://corporate.delaval.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DeLaval
Twitter: @DeLaval
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/DeLavalfilms
Instagram: @delaval_corporate
Food and Beverage Manufacturing, Futtermischanlagen und Futterdosieranlagen für die Viehzucht, Maschinen und Ausrüstungen für die Landwirtschaft und Forstwirtschaft, Landwirtschaft & Nahrungsmittel, Melkmaschinen für Mutterschafe, Melkmaschinen für Ziegen, Futterstellen für Schweine und Schafe, Stalleinrichtungen, Ausrüstungen für die Haltung und Pflege von Vieh, Maschinen und Ausrüstungen für Milchwirtschaftsbetriebe