OBF Technology is an engineering company, that improves mature technologies in the heat and energy industries. Our innovative technology separates oxygen from the ambient air and delivers it to the combustion zone, it is simple in construction and low on running costs. Our technology allows for increasing the oxygen level in the burning process, thereby opening the possibility to optimize the burning process. This innovative solution provides fuel savings of about 15-17% and an almost complete reduction of NOx emissions and 2 times reduced COx emissions. Technology is applicable to all types of combustion chambers, from big industrial furnaces to small boilers and combustion engines.
Our strength is the low costs of oxygen production, which on the industrial scale are around 20 EUR per ton of oxygen. Compared to the market, where you can buy oxygen in bottles for 600 EUR per ton. Another strength is the scalability of the device; it can be as big as required for the specific furnace.