FIABCI is the French acronym for "Federation Internationale des Aministrateurs de Bien-Conselis Immobiliers" which means the "International Federation of Real Estate. Our headquarters is in Paris, France and our objective is to improve the quality and competitiveness of our members in their various fields through sharing knowledge, information and business opportunities at both National and International levels. Our membership cuts across all sectors of the Real Estate Industry, that is, Commercial, Residential, Luxury, Retail, Industrial, Government etc. FIABCI is the most representative organisation of the Real Estate Industry in the World with members ranging from Developers, Planners, Financiers, Property Managers, Property Brokers, Estate Surveyor and Valuers, Appraisers, Lawyers, Quantity Surveyors, Land Surveyors, Buuilders, Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. We also hold special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations.