Since 2014, The Privacy Factory has retrained over 300 highly educated professionals from various ages, backgrounds and careers to business privacy professionals. It makes us a true “People-Expertise-Tools” organisation.
Because our role in this Corporate Social Responsibility project does not end with the certification of our students. It extends beyond the training we provide, to supporting our privacy consultants in starting new careers and engaging in new assignments.
Because in 6 months’ time we train our students to become independently operating privacy professionals. We do this by using a unique GDPR training and implementation methodology, specifically developed for the purpose by TPF itself.
Because to support our privacy professionals during their training and in the course of their new careers, we provide them with a proprietary set of tools, allowing for the scheduling of privacy activities, documenting the implementation of privacy measures and monitoring the status of privacy accountability.
Since 2014 this integrated approach has helped over 300 organisations in The Netherlands and other countries to ensure GDPR compliance.