Metanoia Institute (FInland) is a further education centre and a learning community for professionals in the field of human resource development, work supervision, consultation and management. The Institute develops and promotes the understanding of organisational systems, change dynamics and learning in today’s complex world of work. The Institute is engaged with different orientations in the social sciences, focusing on experiential learning processes and practices that stem from group relation movement and systemic thinking. It offers client organizations, groups and individuals a diverse range of tools, forums and services aimed at increasing awareness of and insights into their own potential and issues that may be hidden or are sometimes unconscious.
The Metanoia Institute aims to combine the practical and theoretical issues and to develop the theoretical and methodological basis for both organizational and personal development, renewal and well-being. For this, the Metanoia Institute has created a growing series of publications in Finnish. The Metanoia brand is also renowned for the developments of Insight practice, a group work methodology for social imagination, dreaming and meaning-making.
In co-operation with national and international bodies the Metanoia Institute organizes following seminars and specialist training programs:
- Training Path for the Organisational Analyst
- Training programs for work supervisors
- Training programs for consultants
- Group Relations Conferences
- Social Dreaming Seminars
- Listening Post Conferences (in co-operation with OPUS)
- Conference on Organisational Dynamics and Consultation
- Special Themes Seminars for Supervision and Consultation