Al-Aghar Group For Strategic Thinking
“Towards Achieving A Better Future For Present Generations And Those To Come”
The Vision : To become an independent Saudi think tank with the objective of transforming the kingdom to a knowledge society through providing decision makers strategic options in the areas of social, cultural and economic development.
The Mission : Realizing the process of transforming Saudi Arabia to a knowledge society by engaging stakeholders in a dialogue to provide strategies and options.
The Objectives :
Setting out visions and preparing strategic studies on social, cultural and economic issues.
Conducting studies on national social and economic issues in addition to international issues affecting Saudi Arabia.
Preparing studies that contribute to organizing Saudi labor market and human resources development.
Preparing and supporting specialized studies to create suitable atmosphere for transforming the kingdom into a knowledge society.
Organizing and engaging stakeholders in workshops, meetings and seminars with the participation of national and international experts.
Building and preparing national expertise for strategic thinking.