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About Rebecca Watts
Rebecca Watts has 2 current jobs including at MT Sullivans in Papakura, Auckland, New Zealand, Inventory Controller, Showroom Consultant, Plumbing Counter Sales at Mico New Zealand Limited. Previously worked at Mico New Zealand Limited as Inventory Controller. MT Sullivans is a Wholesale company in undefined with 9 employees
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Rebecca Watts is @MT Sullivans, with experience in Inventory Controller, Inventory Controller, Showroom Consultant, Plumbing Counter Sales @Mico New Zealand Limited
Established for over twenty years, Sullivans is an Australian manufacturer and wholesaler, distributing decorative trimmings, curtain accessories, curtain track-ing and a comprehensive range of sewing accessories and craft products.
MT Sullivans employs in excess of 250 staff, manufact- uring, packaging and stocking a wide range of products ensuring a high level of customer service, both domes-tically and internationally. With the Windoware curtain accessory ranges, Sullivans is now able to offer an even larger variety of products at very competitive prices. Sullivans headquarters is based in Brisbane, Australia and the Windoware operations are located within Australia in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, ACT, South Australia and Tasmania.
Sullivans also owns companies in the USA and New Zealand, servicing both domestic and export markets. Our company manufactures and warehouses large stocks and therefore welcomes your product enquiries. We are always eager to service any special purchasing requirements.