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About Rebecca Rosas
Rebecca Rosas is Director Of Business Development at goLance in Orlando, Florida, United States. goLance is a Software Development,Staffing and Recruiting company in 8 The Green St
Suite 4753
Dover, DE 19901, US with 753 employees
Rebecca Rosas Social
Rebecca Rosas Work
Rebecca Rosas is the Director Of Business Development @goLance
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Of course! Where freelancers and remote work are happening--goLance is there. Our candidate platform is designed to help you hire online, or find the meaningful work you're looking for.
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At goLance, we believe in the benefits of remote work: Productivity. Flexibility. Lower costs.
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To create a more meaningful and prosperous working world.
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When you hire people on goLance, you get high-quality talent and NO fees.
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When you get hired on goLance, you pay an incredibly LOW fee, which is more than made up for by the power of our hiring platform.
We get that it's not always easy being a freelancer. That's why goLance is one of the world's biggest, and most nimble freelance platforms. Here, superb global talent truly can network with, and work for, great companies across the globe.