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About Raymond Fong
Raymond Fong is Property Manager at Hudson Bond Real Estate in melbourne, victoria, australia. Previously worked at Hudson Bond Real Estate as Property Manager. Hudson Bond Real Estate is a Real Estate company in 632 Doncaster Road
Doncaster, VIC 3108, AU with 28 employees
Hudson Bond was first established in 1993 by founding Director, Paul Kounnas who had a vision to create a business that dealt honestly with both buyers and sellers. After years of research, Paul finally found what he was looking for, a superior system of buying and selling real estate with honesty, integrity and transparency - The Smart Sale.
From meagre beginnings to now the largest non-franchise and family run real estate company in Manningham, Hudson Bond has grown immensely due to our professionalism and long-lasting customer relationships, and we still maintain those core family values today.