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About Ray Aivazian Iii
Ray Aivazian Iii has 3 current jobs including Founder at Stimulating Education & Ecological Design in 44-110 Kahinani Way
Kaneohe, Hawaii 96744, US, Chief Executive Officer at Seed.World, Marine Debris Researcher at Center for Marine Debris Research. Stimulating Education & Ecological Design is a Environmental Services company in 44-110 Kahinani Way
Kaneohe, Hawaii 96744, US with 2 employees
We are a hybrid business connected with our LLC, Seed.World.
We conduct community cleanups, education outreach, marine debris research, and provide open source technology for the removal of microplastics and the separation of natural and synthetic material.
Our goal is to plant a SEED on every coastal community to help raise awareness on plastic pollution and its effective removal.