SANDECH is an Engineering and Management Consulting company founded in February 2008 in Rio de Janeiro by three Engineers graduated in Chemical and Mechanical Engineering at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).
The emergence of the company was in a time of growing demand for engineering and management services in the country and notorius shortage of qualified labor. The idea of contributing to the development of the national engineering and the goal of generating jobs and to accelerate the development of the country are motivating factors in the organization's day to day.
Sandech acts on the development of projects for the chemical, petrochemical, oil, mining, pulp & paper and energy industries. It is a company that appears on the market to meet the demand for projects that require high technical level, challenging deadlines and commitment to results.
The biggest addvantages of the company are its habilities to integrate high-technology services to modern management techniques and treat under an engineering perspective projects seen usually only as management projects. This associated vision of the engineering and management disciplines provides and innovative point of view in relation to traditional approaches used in the market. Thus, Sandech offers solutions with high added value, providing maximization of profits and results, integration of processes and increased productivity to customers.
Sandech sees its employees as the main responsible for the success of the company and the quality of services provided. Because of this, constant investment in training are seen as vital to the sustainable development of the company and staff. Sandech is concerned to maintain a comfortable and exciting working environment, so that employees enjoy all the facilities necessary to perform the challenging tasks.