The Jewish Representative Council of Greater Manchester & Region was formally established in 1919. For over 100 years, the Council has been responsible for representing, protecting, uniting, defending and serving the Jewish community of Greater Manchester and the surrounding regions.
As a representative body, we are the first point of contact for elected representatives and the media on issues that affect our community. We proactively engage politicians at the highest levels of government to ensure they are aware of the community’s agenda. We also ensure local and national media are informed when there are stories of interest that directly affect our community.
Our focus is to strengthen and support our affiliate members and the wider diverse community whilst ensuring concerns are recognised and acted upon. The JRC also coordinates the Greater Manchester Jewish Strategic Group, which brings together the community with key stakeholders from wider society. The group meets regularly to promote collaboration and coordination with internal organisations whilst simultaneously amplifying our collective voice to government.
We recognise that the success of our community is closely tied to that of our neighbours so we continue to take an active part in interfaith networks. This ensures the general population is aware of issues affecting Jewish people across the region whilst simultaneously working towards a more cohesive society.