You are probably most familiar with our KIDS FIRST! Film Critics program which reviews the latest films, TV shows and other media by a team of 65 tween and teen reporters. KIDS FIRST! puts kids up front and center and gives them a voice to share their honest opinions with you so families can make informed decisions about the media they ingest. Their reviews are in both written and videotaped format and reach 5+ million people per release, so for brands, it’s a great way to reach a parent/youth/family audience.
KIDS FIRST! is supported by major entertainment industry leaders, teachers, librarians, media professionals, lobbyists, policymakers, child advocates, educators, parents and families nationwide. Support comes from national nonprofit organizations as well as publishers that post our reviews including Kidsville news, News-o-matic, Voice America’s Press Pass, Grand Magazine, SoCalCityKids and more!
KIDS FIRST! Is a project of Coalition for Quality Childrens Media, a national, nonprofit 501(c) (3) organization, founded in 1991, whose mission is to teach children critical viewing skills and to increase the visibility and availability of quality children's media.
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