"On Site Support Services (OSSS) focuses on using local and community
based people and businesses to provide, at an international standard,
Camp Management Services.
OSSS was founded in 2009 to respond to a global trend in governments
wanting to increase participation of local and indigenous companies
operating in mining, oil and gas and infrastructure projects as a means of
driving real growth in the national and local economies.
While this presents highly attractive new business opportunities to local
and community based companies, most often there may be a gap between their
existing operational resources and capabilities, and the expectations of
their international clients.
It is this gap - in the field of Remote Support Services - that OSSS
OSSS focuses on enabling clients to optimise their local content
investments while focussing on their core project objectives by developing
and empowering local or indigenous catering companies to work to their
same high international standards".
John Honan
On Site Support Services Pty Ltd