Welcome to SSIF ( previously known as SSIU) ...
The Investment Fund was established in accordance with the Bylaw for Investing Funds of the Social Security Corporation ( SSC) number 111 issued in 2001 by virtue of article 76 of the Social Security Corporation Law number 19 issued in 2001. The Unit started actual operations in early 2003 after the investment strategies governing its functions were endorsed.
The Fund's Board comprises of nine members, headed by the commission chairman and includes the SSC Director General as (Vice Chairman ) and two members, one representing the workers and the other representing the employers, to be named by Social Security Corporation Board from among its members. The remaining five members are to be appointed by the Council of Ministers on the basis of their qualifications and experience.
The Fund aims at managing the investments of SSC in a manner ensuring the increase of its financial resources subject to the following principles:
* Retaining the real value of the assets and liabilities of SSC by realizing profitable and regular returns.
* Reducing the risks by diversification of the SSC investments among different investment tools.
* Providing the needed liquidity in order to meet SSC liabilities.
* Applying international standards relevant to the management of social security funds.