DataIntel offers services in Data Management, Machine Learning, Data Mining, Data Analytic for structured and non-structured data. DataIntel helps clients in data analytic and decision making in the areas such as : Operational intelligence, Exploration and discovery and Performance management
Machine learning: Very technical layer of DataIntel’s workspace, data-intensive, part of data science and closely related to data mining. designing algorithms (like data mining), prototyping algorithms, designing automated systems (bidding algorithms, ad targeting algorithms) and refine or discover new rules (fraud detection). Core algorithms include clustering and supervised classification, rule systems, and scoring techniques. And last but not the least, deep learning.
Data mining: DataIntel’s expertise in this working layer is about designing algorithms to extract insights from rather large and potentially unstructured data (text mining). DataIntel’s techniques include pattern recognition, feature selection, clustering, monitored classification and encompasses robust, data driven, scalable statistical techniques.
Predictive modeling: DataIntel’s core strength area . Predictive modeling projects rapidly expanding in all industries across all disciplines. Predictive modeling projects aim at predicting future based on past data, usually but not always based on statistical modeling. DataIntel also provides optimization service of search engine analytic using existing models and helps client to customize models.
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IT Services and IT Consulting
HQ Location
IN,Madhya Pradesh,Indore,452001
Data AnalyticsHadoopNo-SQLData MiningData VisualizationData Segmentation and Business IntelligenceMonte-Carlo SimulationsEconometric ModellingStatistical ModellingSentiment Analysis