Confederation of Empowerment Initiatives (CEI) is an International Development Agency (IDA) known for its Unique and Niche 'Resiliency Solutions' and 'Development Economy Solutions'.
CEI is implementing Resiliency & Development Economy Solutions for Developing Economies of the World especially in South East Asia. CEI has demonstrated the same across India wherein CEI’s Resiliency & Development Economy Solutions is helping achieve various targets of UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) e.g. elimination of poverty, reducing inequality, ensuring sustainable livelihoods & food security, gender equality, clean water, educational interventions, agriculture and allied activities.
CEI lays emphasis on Empowerment through Market-linked Entrepreneurship Development and Institution Building, working in collaboration with various government bodies, corporates, individuals and subject-matter experts in order to create an ecology that truly empowers the rural and tribal communities.
CEI has enabled the Holistic Empowerment and 360 Degree Transformation of the backward, rural and tribal communities across India.