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About Rainer Gegenwart
Rainer Gegenwart has 3 current jobs including Director at Gaia Greenenergy Holdings in 埃尔福特地区, CTO at GreenIPP BV, Geschäftsführer at HeliosMax GmbH. Gaia Greenenergy Holdings is a Solar Electric Power Generation company in 140, Vaxuhall Sreet
Colombo, 00200, LK with 99 employees
GAIA Greenenergy Holdings is a Sri Lankan renewable energy development company that is working with local stakeholders and international partners on innovative solutions to implement large-scale renewable energy projects — including rooftop solar PV, ground mounted PV, floating solar plants and pumped storage solutions.
The company is active in multiple regions in Sri Lanka and has cultivated strong local relationships. The focus is on rapid implementation of proven, bespoke solutions factoring the needs of the community whilst exploring the full extent of renewable energy and storage technologies available globally. Gaia intends to be at the forefront of innovation in the sector.
thermal powersolar panelswind turbineinstallation and maintenancedistribution and transmissioncentralized poweroffers solar panelsrooftop solar projectsearth powersources and transmission