SISFI is a non-profit organization that provides education, awareness, training, support, development and research on social, societal, psychological, human, sociological and technological intelligence, impacts and effects of life, abuse, bullying (on and offline), domestic violence, gun violence, homelessness, socioeconomics, suicide awareness and prevention, internet and technology across all levels of our infrastructure (people, processes, policies, laws and technology).
We host workshops, presentations, training and personal/professional development workshops across the country to schools, businesses, churches, parents, youths, communities, educators, elected officials, clergy leaders, administrators and C-Suite executives to help in addressing these issues and providing effective and affordable working solutions.
Our Crisis Response, Intervention and Prevention Lifeline (347) 817-8686 is open 24/7/365 to answer calls from people in distress of being abused, suffering in silence, victim of life challenges and disasters regardless of age, religion, sexuality or ethnicity. YOU are NOT/NEVER ALONE unless YOU want to be.
The org was formed with a specific target and focus on these issues across the board but with a keen interest in delivering these at the lower school levels for our youths who will be tomorrow’s business executives, professionals, parents and other important resources for our global infrastructure. We need to embrace the integration of technology resources in our lives and the ways in which it brings the world right to our finger tips with the simple limitation of our minds.
Mental Health Care
HQ Location
1542 Hoe Avenue
Bronx, NY 10460, US
Social intelligenceSocietal intelligencePsychological intelligenceHuman intelligenceSociological intelligenceTechnological intelligenceAbuse awareness and preventionBullying preventionDomestic violence interventionGun violence interventionHomelessness interventionSuicide awareness and preventionInternet and technology impactLife challenges and disaster responseEducation and awareness programs
WorkshopsPresentationsTrainingPersonal/professional development workshopsCrisis Response, Intervention and Prevention Lifeline
ITHealth & WellnessTraining & WorkshopsDomestic/Workplace Violence PreventioPsychological & Mental Health First AiResearchSuicide AwarenessPreventioInterventioCaregivers