Ventura Hospitality Consulting ®is the brand name used by Fernandes Ventura, Associados - Consultores em Gestão, Lda. We offer consulting services in the Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant sectors and in their strategic and operational areas.
The consultants of Ventura Consulting Group go beyond the standard solutions. Our solutions are developed in close cooperation with our clients, because there are no two companies that face the exact same challenges. Ventura Consulting Company treats each client individually. We try to guarantee that each solution be appropriate with the clients' needs, objectives and corporate culture. Only in this way, can the most effective and innovative solutions be found.
We are the first company in Portugal able to deliver Business and Design Consulting services in the Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant sectors.
In Fernandes Ventura, Associated we work closely with our clients in order to develop effective and innovating solutions. Each project is led by a multi-task team that insures the best proposals at a strategic, operational and structural level. They strive to be the most adequate for each organization.