PRONACERA THERAPEUTICS S.L. emerges as Spin-Off from the Group of Physiology, Anatomy and Cell Biology at the University Pablo Olavide whose origins date back to 2011. It has the know-how derived from the development of patent P201331533 for international protection as Stabilizers compounds of apoptotic cells or ES2438617B1 Method for screening and/or evaluation of the effectiveness of drugs for the treatment of mitochondrial diseases and MELAS syndrome. We also have extensive experience in the study of apoptosis, mitochondrial and lysosomal diseases.
PRONACERA THERAPEUTICS S.L. is a biotechnologyc company based on the talent of our young researchers as an engine for the development of biotechnological treatments. Apply the knowledge gained from our own research and contribute to the optimization of human health system are some milestones of the company. Our main objective are patients with an impaired quality of life due to their lack of treatment.
Products and services offered are based on stabilization processes of cell death in aging applications, fertility, extracorporeal photopheresis treatment or screening methods capable of regulating the dose and reduce the damage associated with chemoterapics.