Stillwater Sciences is committed to creating a better world through science. We strive to balance water supply, flood protection, energy generation, recreation, and other beneficial uses of water and watersheds with science-based natural resource management and habitat restoration. By integrating geomorphic and biological research to understand critical ecosystem processes, we work to identify effective measures for managing rivers and their floodplains as functioning ecosystems within the context of current conditions and future climate change. We seek consensus with our clients and partners, and integrate our values into all we do.
We promote rigorous science. We bring the best science to bear on all projects and deliverables with a rigorous, and often peer-reviewed approach. We respect the scientific process to achieve the best possible results. Stakeholders can rally behind scientific facts (with acceptable levels of uncertainty) instead of positional goals and interests, ensuring a more sustainable and long-term solution.
We embrace a holistic and integrative process. Our process is collaborative, innovative, and sometimes messy. Our integrative approach means that we think holistically and practically, providing solutions that reflect a watershed and ecosystem-wide context. We embrace continuous improvement, seek out new ideas, and question “how things have always been done.”
We promote a culture of initiative, trust, and respect. Our work environment is fair, flexible, and fun. We are open and transparent in our communications, and aren’t afraid to have difficult conversations. At Stillwater, everyone is willing to lend a hand to get the job done, no matter the job. We are employee-owned, and are committed to maintaining our culture and ensuring our longevity into the future.