Cometa was born in Milan (Italy) in 2001 by a team of designers with a long software/firmware/hardware experience, realized in the design of medical instruments, ranging from the acquisition of low-level biological signals, to the representation of data.
After several consultancies for the most important companies on the market, in 2004 we developed and patented the first autonomous project: a completely wireless EMG system.
Various innovative and technical solutions have been applied to this system:
•The absence of the reference electrode
• Miniaturization
• The autonomy of the electrodes
• Solutions that lead to a clean and readable output EMG trace
Although our main activity is currently the design, production and assistance of wireless EMG and IMU systems, we are also successfully carrying out other projects in the electronic and medical fields:
• High-speed cameras and digital video processors for motion analysis applications
• X-ray cameras and digital video noise reduction filters for Carcangiography
• Evoked potential detection and data logging for hearing aid implants
If you are interested in our wireless technology and design capabilities, we can offer, within our field of expertise, fully customized products and services for a variety of applications.
Contact us, we can't wait to talk about your project!