In 1977, a group of concerned parents came together to create a grassroots organization to help troubled teens. That movement soon became known as CAPTAIN (Community Action for Parents, Teens and Interested Neighbors). Since then, CAPTAIN has become the principal advocate for the changing needs of youth and families in Saratoga County. Our mission is to provide services necessary to address those needs through social, educational and prevention programs, which encourage personal and social development in teens and families.
For over 30 years, CAPTAIN has been providing programs which address the core issues facing our society including: homelessness, poverty, youth violence, underage drinking, drug use, academic failure and family dysfunction. CAPTAIN approaches these issues with specific programs and services including:
• Elementary and Adolescent Help-Lines (Teen Talk and Phone Friend);
• Youth Street Outreach;
• Runaway and Homeless Emergency Youth Shelter;
• Youth Development Programs (Teen Activity Board);
• Community Outreach Afterschool Center for Youth (Cheryl’s Lodge);
• Family Development; Emergency Family Assistance for rent and utilities;
• Emergency Food Pantry; and
• Community Education.