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About Rachel Zhou
Rachel Zhou is Director at simplyBrand in china. Previously worked at Timer China as Deputy Director, Social Media Research Department. simplyBrand is a Technology, Information and Internet company in 500 Dalian Rd Yangpu District
Shanghai City, Shanghai 200082, CN with 22 employees
Rachel Zhou Social
Rachel Zhou Work
Rachel Zhou is the Director @simplyBrand, with experience in Deputy Director, Social Media Research Department @Timer China
simplyBrand is an advanced ecosystem that draws on artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, and crowdsourcing to eliminate counterfeit products in digital commerce.
simplyBrand was created with a vision of building a world of e-commerce which is free from counterfeiting and where the identity of the brand and the consumers are protected against fake products. To put this thought into action, simplyBrand has come up with a unique amalgamation of AI, blockchain and crowdsourced participants. It is a platform on which the brands can seek services to detect sellers and online merchants involved in selling fake products. Along with technology, the platform also seeks the help of crowdsourced participants who can directly report the counterfeit products. The data of all such merchants is put up on a public blockchain, creating a sort of “blacklist”. This creates an economic and reputation hurdle for counterfeiters.