Our ambition for Professors Without Borders is to improve teacher mobility around the world so that every student can experience a dedicated, professional and inspiring learning environment that will fire them up for their next stages in life. Education, for us, in not just about learning. It’s also about doing. We want to inspire our students to confidently engage with the world and contribute to making it a better place, starting with their immediate environment. Education begins at home, and we are bringing professors to your doorstep.
To achieve these objectives, we focus on skills-building. This includes analysis, presentation and writing skills, team-work and confidence-building. These skills are in high demand in most professions, and we also want to prepare our students to be high-achieving contributors to society, whether through their own entrepreneurial vision or when working with a company. Our professors are specialists in their fields and excited to share their love for learning with their students.
Finally, to develop a country, you need talent, and you need this talent at home. While we cannot reverse the braindrain, we can target local talent and contribute to their academic and professional development in their immediate environment.