Lots of women get stuck in the “messy middle” of life.
Navigating midlife, with its unique set of big changes and challenges, isn't always easy. The anchors that used to hold you and your life in place have often shifted or even disappeared. You can feel life's passing you by, question who you are now and wonder is this it? Is this all there is?
If this is how you're feeling, you're not alone, there's nothing wrong with you and there are things you can do to change it!
I'm Rachel Lankester, https://www.linkedin.com/in/rachellankester/ the founder of the Magnificent Midlife Movement. I'm a mentor, speaker, an author in progress and totally committed to helping women move positively through menopause and beyond the messy middle, and create a magnificent midlife experience that sets you up for long-term health, happiness and fulfillment.
I know you don't have to settle for the life you have. You can choose to build the one you want.
Sometimes all you need is a little help and inspiration, so if you're longing for fulfillment and purpose in your next chapter, check out my website.
A transformational personal mentoring program, a beautifully supportive community, an abundance of educational resources, an inspiring podcast and enlightening self-study programs are all here to help you refresh, re-energize and refocus.
I'd love to connect and chat with you about how you can create your Magnificent Midlife!
Get in touch at info@magnificentmidlife.com or just visit the website.