When your tamariki step through the gate at Central Kids, they become part of our whānau– as we become part of yours.
Our early childhood services are a home away from home, a place where every child is recognised, respected and included for who they are and who they want to become.
We understand the importance of surrounding your child with passionate, positive influences from an early age, which is why all our teachers are highly qualified, experienced and truly invested in the future of our tamariki wellbeing and happiness.
We know that to play is to grow. Using Te Whāriki early learning curriculum - our evidence-based, holistic learning programme - we encourage every child to reach their potential by giving them the best possible surroundings to
experiment and discover the world they live in.
At Central Kids we provide a place that lives and breathes our te ao Māori values and connects to our history and heritage. Te reo is naturally woven into our everyday language and we authentically connect with local iwi and
marae. These values also celebrate diversity and create a culture of inclusiveness.
Through our holistic approach, our tamariki develop a strong sense of self, belonging and identity. We help them begin to forge their own journey and prepare for what lies ahead as they continue to grow and develop – both through their education and through meaningful connections with their
community and natural environment.
We ensure nothing stands in the way of our tamariki having access to the education they need. As a not-forprofit organisation, all funds that come in are put directly back into the experiences we are creating for the next
generation, and our ‘whānau friendly fees’ lend a helping hand where it is needed most.
The future of our tamariki includes all of us – because when they grow, we all grow together.