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About Qi Hu
Qi Hu is Head Of Optical R And D at Windar Photonics A/S in copenhagen, capital region, denmark. Previously worked at Windar Photonics A/S as Industrial Ph.D Student. Windar Photonics A/S is a Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing company in Helgeshøj Allé 16-18
Taastrup, 2630, DK with 18 employees
Windar Photonics
- Manufacturer of cost efficient nacelle-based LIDAR optimization systems.
Windar Photonics is a spin-off company from the the Danish Technical University (DTU) at Risø, founded in 2008 and registered at the AIM, London Stock Exchange in 2015. Windar Photonics has its main office in Denmark and representative offices in China, the Unites States, and Spain. Currently, Windar Photonics has done more than a 1000 LiDAR installations around the globe.
Windar Photonics' LiDARs are installed on the nacelle and measure the wind speed and wind direction in front of the wind turbine, allowing the turbine to adjust according to the oncoming wind, hence reducing loads on the turbine and increasing the energy production.
The LiDARs are able to correct yaw misalignment, resulting in increases to AEP by 1-3%. Furthermore, the LiDARs are able to detect load inducing phenomena like: gusts, wind shear, wake, and turbulence, allowing the wind turbine owner to further optimize and increase the lifespan of his assets.
• Load Reductions
• Detection of wind shear, gusts, turbulence, wake, and yaw misalignment.
• AEP increase by 1-3%
• Cost-efficient
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