Source & Genesis of Initiative:
1. "TALK to yourself ONCE in a day...otherwise you MAY miss MEETING, an 'EXCELLENT PERSON' in this World." -Swami Vivekanand
2. "It is BETTER to do something IMPERFECTLY; than to DO NOTHING flawlessly."
iCARDIOLOGY (Non-Government-Initiative), has been 'STRICTLY' keeping itself a Self-Funded Volunteers' Initiative, since its inception in 1996.
BUT, lately in Jan 2013 opened ourselves to ONLY accept "Humane & Willing" Financial support to expand the PROJECT of "Humane HEART Movement" horizon to save MORE lives, and we're DETERMINED to ENSURE "GLOBAL HealthCare & Humanity Integration", in OUR long HUMANE voyage.
“HUMANE HEART MOVEMENT” to 'TRY & SAVE' lives of Financially compromised/poor and unattended 'Heart Attack Patients'
Visionary Mission:
“iCARDIOLOGY eternally dedicated to exclusively help the society as selflessly as humanely possible, by bringing in continual innovation, modification in healthcare systems in India; in order to ensure dependability of Cardiologists, affordability of CardioVascular treatment, by actively persuading/pleading Healthcare & Health Insurance Regulatory Authorities/Government Bodies; and humbly 'TRY' to elicit humanity, against present commercially driven Hearlthcare Systems, by subtly complementing the emerging updates in the field of Cardiology, Healthcare Regulatory Rules' Modification, indeed within its all branches.”
iCARDIOLOGY, firmly believes that "There is 'HUMANE' in every Human"