With the goal of preparing cities for rapid climate change, rising living expenses, and severe disasters (earthquake, flood). We are concentrating on creating new construction technology and an AI-based urban planning system that will enable our structures to detect changes and respond appropriately to their environment. We are working on a novel way to combating global warming that we refer to as Adaptable Buildings rather than Green Buildings. Future cities will depend on how well our built environments adapt to the rapidly evolving conditions that our present environments are unable to handle. This problem needs to be resolved as soon as possible, especially in developing nations like India and other Asian countries that are still experiencing rapid economic development.
It's crucial for the growth of new cities to follow the proper path, one that can coexist peacefully with the environment rather than enslaving and exploiting it for its own comfort and convenience. As a result, we are investing a lot of time in researching and creating new construction technology and artificial intelligence (AI) systems for urban planning solutions, which will enable buildings and cities to be flexible and work with materials other than RCC, such as wood, steel, plastic, carbon fibre, etc., thereby enabling them to be independent of a single rigid material and rigid planning.
This will enable architects and engineers to deal with complex design ideas and materials in new ways. Without any demolition work, every building component will be replaceable, upgradeable, and reusable, reducing resource waste. Buildings that are flexible, modular, light weight, affordable, earthquake resistant, and flood-preventive are urgently needed today. It will be easier for us to develop cities correctly and in harmony with the environment if we combine all the elements into one structure.