I wish to introduce KEPRA INDUSTRIES as manufacturers of Printing Thickeners ( based on modified Guar & Tamarind Gums ) for textile printing, Resist Salt ( Granules & Powder ) and a few Speciality Textile Auxiliaries. I would request you to visit our website www.kepraindustries.in for knowing the details of our range of products. However; I would like to inform in short about some of our products for your prime attention.
1. KEPRAGUM CMT-8/9/10/10HV: These are all carboxy methylated tamarind gums used for direct printing of Disperse Dyes on polyester. CMT-8 is mostly used for this purpose as it is the cheapest among all grades. Other grades ( 9/10/10HV ) are having more solids and give more viscosity which is useful for getting sharper and sharper prints. The printer normally knows the grade to be used, depending upon the design of the print.