We are a new, Hong Kong based company that reduces company overheads through robotic process automation. Which reduces repetitive tasks by using a software-driven 'robot' to emulate the actions of a human within digital systems to automate a business process and allow that business to prosper. Currently, we develop software for Information Technology, Micro Electronic Logistics, Audit Accounting and Pharmaceutical companies.
Accumulating and sharing knowledge is our company's founding philosophy. We force ourselves to stay open minded, welcoming ideas that challenge us to fathom the unfathomable and to build the unbuildable. We pledge to create a safe, generous and accepting workplace where everyone can be their best authentic selves, and to foster an environment that organically enkindles the flames of the next big thing. We are made of the type of people who wake up in the morning to brainstorm new ideas and sleep at night having gotten closer to making them reality. We demand ambition, and nurture our rigorously selected newcomers to start their careers at a place where the upside is unlimited.