POK is the first manufacturer of fire-fighting equipment in France. We manufacture for the following industries: Petro-Chemical, Marines, Industrial Fire Services, Municipalities, the Military Services and more. POK exports 60% of its production to more than 90 countries.
Created in 1976 by its Président, Bruno GRANDPIERRE, POK is a company in constant expansion. With four manufacturing plants POK builds a range of more than 3,600 different products.
POK uses high technology, fully automated and computer-controlled production facilities working with highly rated new and recycled materials.
In order to assure customer satisfaction, POK is quality assurance certified under ISO 9001 and 14001.
To view the products we manufacture please contact us directly or go to our web site www.pok.fr/en/catalogues
If you would like to join POK, please contact me.
Alexandra Grandpierre