AHASolar Technologies Limited IPO is listed on BSE SME Exchange. Company is having proprietary softwares for solar related end-to-end solutions. Company has 3 business verticals complementing each other – Solar related softwares, e-commerce platform for solar products and Solar Advisory. Company has received various awards in this area.
Gujarat govt., Goa govt., PSUs and many other large companies have adopted their softwares to bring efficiency to the solar installations and its performance. Their contribution is acknowledged by PM Narendra Modi and Goa CM Dr. Pramod Sawant. Company has 22 ongoing projects in hand.
Company is having very huge growth plans and have tie ups with large companies in private and public sectors, all system developments are done now its time for them to reap the fruits of their R&D efforts in last 3 years.
Company is raising funds mainly to set up a very unique model of fractional ownership in solar project, any person residing in flats can too take advantage of solar projects through their model, this model will be first of its kind in the world.
Company is professionally managed with experienced senior team members.