Freggia distributes high-quality household appliances produced in Europe. Longevity, excellent quality, reliability, aesthetics and a healthy dose of traditional values are the norm in Europe, and these same qualities have come to characterise her products, too. Freggia combines these components into each unit sold, be it a cooker, an oven or a washing machine. For any one of them, once placed in your home, will play an active part not only in the housework, but in creating the right atmosphere, too. And if you prefer the high-tech to retro designs, with Freggia’s minimalist technology your home will still assume the lively atmosphere of a respectable, traditional Italian family abode.
Freggia has spared no expense when it comes to making you feel confident not only that you will see outstanding results in the short term, but that these will last into the future, too. Thus, we provide a lifetime warranty for our self-cleaning system, and, thanks to our careful choice of wear-resistant and low-maintenance materials for them, we are able to provide all our appliances with a full two-year warranty.
Ergonomics is another key quality of Freggia household appliances. Using our appliances is comfortable and straightforward – you need make no unnecessary movements, and overcome no obstacles, when familiarising yourself with them. Every last detail has been carefully thought through and prepared, something which always makes working with Freggia appliances comfortable and pleasant.