Our heart is to see the worship of Jesus Christ spread across the continent of Africa – through individual lives fully committed to Him, and collectively through Christ-centered church communities. The Church in Africa is vast and growing daily. But with over 900 African people groups who have yet to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ, the task is far from finished.
Our missionary team is diverse, from outreach workers and church planters, to medical personnel, to a broad network of logistical and support personnel – pilots, teachers, accountants, engineers, IT workers, and more.
Together, we’re committed to being and making disciples of Jesus Christ.
AIM is looking for men and women who will commit to support our ministry through prayer and giving here at home. And we’re looking for others who are willing to pack up and go — for a couple of months to an entire career.
We challenge you to be a part of this, our calling; and to join God in the work of establishing His church among all African peoples.