InterContinental Energy was founded in 2014 to develop large-scale renewable energy projects in coastal deserts with the ideal diurnal profile of strong sun and heavy wind at night, creating the least expensive, essentially base-load power taking advantage of economies of scale. We can use the green electrons to produce green hydrogen and synfuels such ammonia and will provide all of these products locally to green surrounding industries as well as ship ammonia and possibly other synfuels globally. Given the superior resource and economies of scale we will produce a competitively priced product, expected to be in the lowest decile cost at every phase. Our green fuels will significantly reduce CO2 emissions across multiple sectors, historically difficult to decarbonize. ICE is the founding developer and partner in the Australian Renewable Energy Hub (AREH) and the Western Green Energy Hub (WGEH) both in Western Australia, Green Energy Oman (GEO), and Saudi Arabia Green Energy Hub (SAREH).