Human resources has gained a lot of importance during the last few years. Due to this evolution, Evaluations-online was founded in 2011 as a result of the demand of our customers to create a software enabling Human Resources Departments to get rid of the excel or pdf forms used for such evaluations.
Most companies generate thousands of sheets to have this job done. Together with our customers, we developed a program to make this process more effective and dynamic.
A module is created that imports users from existing tables, creating all available parameters during import if provided.
Sets of evaluations questions can be generated and translated into those languages, rendering the evaluation sheet much more accessible for the evaluee.
We have chosen to create a software only available over the internet as a hosted Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) application. This method allows us to sell the software at a price considerably lower than installations onsite. No technical maintenance is needed to keep it running, the program is always and everywhere available.
Since we have always worked in a multilingual environment, our software comes with a multilingual interface, allowing users to read the information in their own language.
Furthermore our company is specialized in making program customizations on existing databases, i.e. add-ons and reports, creating multiple sub-programs through a customized interface.