Cira Center for Behavioral Health (CCBH) is a small group practice that has a team of licensed and unlicensed doctoral level therapists. We have locations in Chicago’s Loop and Oak Park. Therapy is based on research and science, both of which are incredibly important, but at CCBH, we believe that nothing is more important than feeling heard and understood without any judgment. When a strong, supportive relationship is combined with direct feedback and skill building, people change and lives improve. We primarily work with adults who are struggling with major life changes (divorce, starting a family, etc), stress, relationship difficulties, anxiety, depression, anger, self-esteem and trauma.
CCBH, PC also focuses on women’s health (perinatal and postpartum depression/anxiety, relationship difficulties, eating disorders and/or disordered eating, body image struggles, etc) and trauma. Trauma includes things that you would typically think of as trauma (war veterans, car accidents, rape, physical assault, etc) as well as difficult childhoods that may have included: physical, sexual, verbal and/or emotional abuse; divorce/separation; a caretaker who struggled with their own physical/mental illness; a caretaker who suffered from addiction, etc.
CCBH, PC is a Mission, Vision and Values driven organization, which means that all of our decisions are based in part from a place of honoring these core aspects about our organization. We are Relationship, Strength-Based, Feminist, Social Justice Advocates and Culturally Competent. We are proud of these values and hold them dear. To learn more about who we are and what we stand for, please visit