Founded in 2017, Amber Aviation is headquartered in Shenzhen, China, with offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Macau and San Marino. Through its global network, Amber Aviation provides clients with flexible and bespoke private jet solutions, relating to aircraft management, aircraft charter and aircraft leasing. Since its establishment, Amber Aviation has been constantly recognized as one of the fastest-growing private jet operators in the Asia Pacific region.
Shareholders of Amber Aviation include NetJets, Fung Investments, Liu's Group and Hony Capital.
With an aim to redefine the way clients fly, Amber Aviation established AmberNet, a new sub-brand, in 2022. AmberNet’s products include it shared lease program and membership service.
The shared lease program offers clients access to the largest self-owned fleet in Asia with 100% guaranteed availability and as little as 24 hours‘ notice. Members are able to enjoy complimentary ferry flights and other value-added services through the AmberNet app.
For more information, please visit Amber Aviation’s website:
天成商务航空创立于2017年2月,总部位于中国深圳,在香港、澳门和圣马力诺设有全资子公司,在北京和上海设有分公司,以及在天津、宁波设立运营基地。天成商务航空立足亚洲,成立新品牌,推出新产品,以全球网络服务客户, 提供极具弹性和个性化的定制公务航空服务,业务范围覆盖飞机托管,包机出行及飞机租赁服务等。自成立以来,天成商务航空连续被ASG评为发展速度最快的公务机公司之一。 2021年,天成商务航空完成B轮融资,其股东包括香港冯氏集团、澳门康泽集团、弘毅投资以及沃伦·巴菲特旗下公务机运营商NetJets。
为捕捉市场新机遇,天成商务航空于2022年成立新品牌——天成寰悦(AmberNet),其宗旨是颠覆公务机出行体验,让目的地不再遥远,为亚太区客户提供链接全球的公务机服务网络。AmberNet通过业内首屈一指的共享租赁计划和会员计划,覆盖不同客户群体的用机需求, 让客人享受无与伦比的私人飞行新体验。