alpha Racing GmbH & Co KG is the world's leading specialist in development and sale of professional racing parts and services for all BMW Superbike models. Well-known BMW motorcycle racing teams and numerous amateur and hobby racers rely on alpha Racing Performance Parts in racing. New components are constantly being developed and tested in close cooperation with BMW Motorrad motorsports and the official BMW Motorcycle work teams. In addition, alpha Racing offers a variety of stationary services as well as global race support for racing teams.
BMW Motorrad Motorsport
Ofiicial Partner
Automotive, Prüfstände für Motorräder, Motorräder, Prüfstände
HQ Location
1 Kronstaudener Weg
Stephanskirchen, Bavaria 83071, DE
MotorsportMotorradRennsportRace SupportService MotorsportMotorcycle RacingRace Partsand SuperbikeMotorrSuperbike