The Trade Council er en del af Udenrigsministeriet og rådgiver danske virksomheder om eksport, internationalisering og innovation samt udenlandske virksomheder, der ønsker at etablere sig i Danmark.
The Trade Council har ca. 250 ansatte. 80 pct. af medarbejderne er tilkyttet de danske ambassader, generalkonsulater, handelskontorer og innovationscentre rundt om i verden. De yder rådgivning på de vigtigste markeder i mere end 60 lande.
The Trade Council is part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark and advises Danish companies on exports, internationalisation and innovation, and foreign companies looking to establish themselves in Denmark.
The Trade Council has about 250 employees. 80 percent of the employees are attached to the Danish Embassies, Trade Commissions, Consulates General and Innovation Centres around the world. They provide advice in the most important markets in more than 60 countries.