We are the second biggest private cord blood bank in Europe with more than 25 years` experience, and thanks to international cooperation, our own research and continuous improvement in technology we can offer clients our considerable experience.
We offer a method of collection and processing that makes it possible to collect and store almost the entire cell content of the blood collected. Preserving the largest possible quantity and spectrum of stem cells increases the chances of successful treatment in case of their use.
To date, we have released 150 cord blood units for all types of treatment: for autologous (own blood) treatment, for siblings and also for unrelated patients. This represents the highest number compared to all other European private cord blood banks.
We have active branches in 8 European countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia, Switzerland (Headquarters) and Romania and we would like to expand into new markets.
We have licensed laboratories and storage facilities in Slovakia, Romania, Austria and Czech Republic.
We are the only family bank in Europe that also operates and finances a public cord blood registry – the Slovak Placental Stem Cell Registry.
In 1997, we were among the first in Europe to begin working with professional preparation of cord blood transplants.
We were one of the first in the field and so far we have processed and stored the cord blood, cord tissue and placenta for more than 175,000 clients.
In 2004, our client with a high-risk brain tumour was the first in Europe to be treated with their own cord blood with a successful outcome.
Our public registry, the Slovak Placental Stem Cell Registry, is a member of the international bone marrow and cord blood donors database WMDA – the World Marrow Donor Association. The registry is connected to the EMDIS – the European Marrow Donor Information System /Network and is an associate member of International NetCord Foundation.