Den Sociale Kapitalfond er en investeringsfond og accelerator for sociale virksomheder, der forbedrer mulighederne for marginaliserede grupper i samfundet – i Danmark og i stigende grad resten af Skandinavien via aktiviteter i Norge og Sverige. Fonden udvikler og tester nye sociale investeringsmekanismer, driver acceleratorprogrammer for socialt ansvarlige virksomheder, og investerer i sociale vækstvirksomheder, der skaber nye muligheder for udsatte mennesker, gennem Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest, der er etableret som et spin-off i 2017.
Den Sociale Kapitalfond blev oprettet i 2011 af TrygFonden og Lars Jannick Johansen, med professionel støtte fra Accura og EY. Accenture, Accura og EY er vores kompetencepartnere.
Den Sociale Kapitalfond (The Social Capital Fund) is a Danish-based, Scandinavian impact investment fund and accelerator for social businesses improving opportunities for marginalized groups in society. Through its operations in Denmark and with activities in Norway and Sweden, it develops and tests new impact investment mechanisms; runs accelerator programs for impactful companies; and invests in social growth companies creating new opportunities for marginalized groups through the social impact fund, Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest, established as a spin-off in 2017.
Den Sociale Kapitalfond was established in 2011 by TrygFonden and Lars Jannick Johansen, with professional support from Accura and EY. Accenture, Accura and EY are our competence partners.
Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals, Joint ventures, Financial and insurance services, Business Services, Foreign exchange brokers and dealers, Independent financial advisers, Bill of exchange brokers
HQ Location
Vester Voldgade 108, 1. th
Copenhagen, 1552, DK
Social entrepreneursSocial venture capitalVenture philanthropySocial impact measurementSocial impact investmentsAccelerator programsImpact investmentand Social Return on Investment