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About Peter Jefferis
Peter Jefferis is Project Manager at DHI Commercial Roofing, Inc. in 美国 堪萨斯州 奥弗兰帕克. Previously worked at MaritzCX as Site Scheduler. DHI Commercial Roofing, Inc. is a Construction company in 536 SE 291 Hwy
Lees Summit, Missouri 64063, US with 16 employees
Accord Group, DHI Roofing and it's family of companies represent one of the largest residential and commercial roofing companies in the Midwest. Founded by Dustin Doll in 2010, DHI has completed more than 17,500 projects across the country, and brings over $1.023 billion in industry management and leadership experience to their clients and teammates. Licensed and/or able to work in 40+ states, DHI is and will always be fully committed to a level of professionalism, reliability and integrity that is unparalleled in it's industry, with a core and governing value of always under-promise and over-deliver. Few firms in our space bring the rigorous attention to details, legitimate intensive advocacy on weather-related damage documentation, expertise in negotiation, complete ownership of the arduous administrative process of managing insurance carriers through the claim process as we do. Couple this with our commitment to installation quality control and project management, and this is what we call The DHI ADVANTAGE.