We are a team of data scientists, agile software developers, and organizational psychologists. Our products are the result of a unique combination of network science, big data analytics, and cutting-edge interface design. We all believe in data-driven people management.
Want to learn more? Check out our website! www.cx-ray.com!
Our products:
Company Network Analysis - Reveals relationships between your colleagues and visualizes them in relation to the organisational hierarchy.
Team Network Analysis - Unfolds the systems of relations in your team and displays them as team-level networks.
360-Degree Feedback - Shows the strengths of your colleagues and their areas for development, so they can thrive in their role.
Goal Setting System - The goals agreed with the employees will be transparent, measurable and evaluable. Organizational goals can be broken down to individual goals. Automates multiple HR processes with an easy-to-use platform for reporting.
Satisfaction Survey - Shows how satisfied your colleagues are with the workplace circumstances.
Pulse Survey - Uses a single short question to keep track of the changes in the mood of your workplace.